
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The story of Black

What color is most associated with evil, or ill omen? To represent death, darkness, suppression, and wickedness, we use black more frequently than any other color. Japanese language has a term "haraguroi (black abdominal), " while English has a term "black hearted," both referring to an evil-minded person. Black signifies mourning and sorrow in many cultures, like the Mayan, Hindu, African and Christanity. The Hindu culture even shuns wearning black clothes for festive ocassions like marriages.

Even though black has such a negetive connotation in cultural representations it stands for mysticism, beauty and awe. The veil of black entices people to explore whats hidden beneath, but no matter how much they try to unravel, the mystery becomes even more intense, forever out of their reach. Which bring us to another property of black, it symbolises aloofness. It is the color of power, of elegance and it lends to the timelessness of the one who dares to adorn it and is worthy of it. It is interesting to notice how some people look fabulous in black dresses but most of them just get completely engulfed by the color. Black represent the height of beauty and of sensuality and it has been used to depict this in art over the years. It is believed to be a color of silence and concealing. Yet, the color sometimes "talks" even more eloquently than any other tone.

Black happens to be my favourite color because it tends to bring out the best of other colors around it. It adds to the depth and meaning of any creation. Speaking metaphorically it accentuates the salience of whats good around it, more so by providing a stark contrast to it.

Its extremely difficult to see the true balck color, beacuse you need to cut out all light sources. Try peeping inside a truly black box and you'll realise what it feels like. I think getting up one day when you see nothing around you but pitch darkness would be really intimidating.

Black has a great influence on the psychological state of our minds too. When our are experiencing various complex feelings, perhaps our mind becomes like a melting pot, mixing diverse items, and then our feelings become darker and darker until they all become pure black color.

Color coordinates:
RGB : (0,0,0)
CMYK : (0,0,0,100)